Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm Back!

For the last few weeks, I've been off attending to life and planning/strategizing on how to deal with the various issues I have - like the condition of my home, my need for an income, how not to yell at the kids during clean up time, and most recently - how to encourage a 15 months old to throw up without freaking out.

Yes, that last one sounds a bit strange. We've ALL been sick. I'm so sick of everyone being sick. Even my husband, who never takes time off for illness, took a day off. But there is a light at the end... Kate is better today; Joshua got through the day with no medicine and the little ones didn't scream nearly as much today.

I took a break from blogging to deal with things at home, to attend to larger matters, to finish a few projects, and start new ones. I still have a backlog; but I also have new possibilities lined up. The most exciting of which is the fact that I'm going to teach a writing class starting in April.

I love (and miss) training and I love writing. This class is designed for non-writers and those with writer's block. I'm calling it "Unlock the Writer within You". It's fun and exciting - though a lot of work right now trying to pull all the materials together in between everything else. But once I've got the materials together, life is good. This feels right. I know that God will send who he wants me to teach to the class. I just have to do the promotion and prepare my side.

I have no quote for today, because quite frankly I've fallen off the bandwagon and need to get realigned with my personal studying. This is what happens when I put other things ahead of God. Time to get realigned again. Draw another line in the sand and start again. My motto.

Good thing I know I'm not perfect. Try Try Again. Oh here's one of my favorites:

Quote of the Day
"Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."
-L.M. Montgomery in Anne of Green Gables