Sunday, January 16, 2005

God's Gifts - Part 1

"Zachary is better than I am, " my five-year-old cried, reacting to his sister praising his two-year-old brother for counting.

"No. Zachary is different than you are," I reminded him. "God made you different than Zachary. He made each of us different and has a special purpose for each of us. You can do things that Zachary can't do, just as Kate can do things you can't do. We all have our own special gifts."

This conversation was one of many Joshua and I have had on this subject. But it was also one of several events this weekend, where I was indeed reminded that we do all have special gifts. The bible specifically reminds us to that we are all created unique and should not consider ourselves better than another. (Romans 12)

I must remember that with the various gifts that I have, not only did He intend for me to use them, but also to apply them to His purpose and within His ordained alignment. This is the challenge I must look at each day. Am I serving Him or man with my gifts? And along the same thought, am I using the gifts he gave me or hiding from them for fear?

>>>>Quote of the Day>>>>
"For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ"
-Galations 1:10 NIV