Friday, March 18, 2005

A Lesson Learned: Receiving Guidance

In recent weeks, I've drifted away from blogging at the beginning of my day, treating it as something that goes after family and life. But what I have discovered is that, in doing so, I've also put aside my time studying God's word and centering my priorities on His alignment.

I use this blog for accountability, and in reality over the last few weeks I have not been very accountable. I've struggled, putting work and kids first again, and have not made as concensious effort to align my days and activities, and thoughts, properly. I need to get back to blogging first thing in the morning, because before I blog each day I reflect in God's word or in an area of my life I'm struggling with. By having this quiet time and accountability, I find myself more centered through the day and have the faith that everything will get done in its proper timing. The panic and anxiety isn't nearly as present, because I'm centered on God's purpose, not on my own.

Yesterday, I recieved two books by Cyndy Salzmann. Eager to get back to God's word in a facilitated manner, I picked up Making your Home a Haven last night and started reading. This morning I looked up one verse, Ephesians 5:8, but in my error, I actually started reading Galations 5 (one book earlier). It turns out as my day has gone on (and this blog entry interrupted), that Galations 5 was exactly what I needed to mediate on this morning. Amazing how God provides guidance exactly when we need it - if we are willing to ask.

A lesson learned.

Quotes of the Day

"It is for freedom that Christ sets us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

-Galations 5:1

"So I say, live by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

-Galations 5:16