Thursday, February 10, 2005

Reminder to Self: Aim for an Organized Morning

Our morning:

"Okay we all need to recognize that we are GRUMPY this morning, and find a way to not hurt each other. We have a lot to do and one hour to do it in."

"I'm very grumpy mom", chimes in Kate.

"Yes. And Josh is grumpy, Zachary is grumpy, and I'm grumpy. We just need to respect that and get our jobs done without fighting."

"Okay Mom"

And off they go to get ready to go to their activities.

I really need to take heed to the advice in today's quote.

Quote of the Day

"What can and must you do the night before so everyone isn't yelling at each other the next morning...? Know in your heart that everything you do in the night pays huge dividends the next morning."
-Elizabeth George in A Wife After God's Own Heart