Preparing the soil to reap the rewards
My new garden/flower beds are wonderful! All that black soil waiting for flowers, herbs, and yes - even a few vegetables. But the soil didn't start out black. There was a lot of weeds, grass, and tons of rocks in the way. After the first layer of grass and weeks were removed, a several inches of composted manure was spaded in. Now it is lovely, full of promise. I just need to do my job of planting, weeding, and watering.
Not unlike in my life. In a week of heavy work (three deadlines) and splurges (the garden beds, a movie with the kids, a new office chair for Greg), I must remember that financially and priority-wise I must be diligent in my weeding to ensure none of the old mistakes are repeated.
Lately, it's been on my heart that maybe I should tell our story - of mistakes and overcoming - the struggles and the miracles. I'm still praying on this, but know if you are struggling in the area of finances - know that God is faithful. He does provide our needs. We may not be able to see how we'll pay for food or diapers,or clothes or shoes, or even the roof over our heads, but if it is truly a need and you have even the smallest grain of faith in you, God will ensure your needs are met. I don't just believe this - I know this. We may not always like the answers, and definitely don't always get our wants. But, He promises to fullfill our needs - and does. Just ask and be open to the response.
Not unlike in my life. In a week of heavy work (three deadlines) and splurges (the garden beds, a movie with the kids, a new office chair for Greg), I must remember that financially and priority-wise I must be diligent in my weeding to ensure none of the old mistakes are repeated.
Lately, it's been on my heart that maybe I should tell our story - of mistakes and overcoming - the struggles and the miracles. I'm still praying on this, but know if you are struggling in the area of finances - know that God is faithful. He does provide our needs. We may not be able to see how we'll pay for food or diapers,or clothes or shoes, or even the roof over our heads, but if it is truly a need and you have even the smallest grain of faith in you, God will ensure your needs are met. I don't just believe this - I know this. We may not always like the answers, and definitely don't always get our wants. But, He promises to fullfill our needs - and does. Just ask and be open to the response.
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