Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Taking time to bring Joy in

For the last five days, I've been focusing on joy. Late last week it occured to me that the bible mentions joy and rejoicing over and over again. People I admire and try to learn from take time to relax and have joy in their lives. Where was the joy in my life?

Don't get me wrong - I laugh and enjoy my children considerably, but for the last few years I've been caught up in the seriousness and compromise of my life. There was no - or limited - joy in my life, outside my children.

So, I've been contemplating - how can I bring JOY into my life?

Apparently, God is trying to get my attention in this area as well. All of last week I kept picking up a un-read Max Lucado book off my floor (my toddler keeps pulling books of the bookshelf). Finally, I decided to flip it open and read. The chapter I read was contemplating why Jesus would go to a wedding. Mr. Lucado's answer was daring for some - to enjoy himself. Jesus took time to enjoy himself, why shouldn't we? Excellent question.

Building on that thought, I started a class on intuition and logic on Sunday. I go in expecting the conversation to start in on intuition, but instead it begins on the need to have Joy and Wonder in our lives. Okay - I get it!

I need to add more JOY in my life. I need to give myself permission to shed the weight of the past and move forward with a clean slate, full of joy and wonder for this beautiful life we have. Stuff happens, but I don't need to let it weigh me down.
Quote of the Day

"Jesus took time for a party...shouldn't we?"
- Max Lucado in When God Whispers Your Name