Monday, January 24, 2005

Holding My Tongue

This morning I'm operating on only three hours sleep and those around me are experiencing it. I must take extra effort today to hold my tongue and keep my filters intact. How can I expect my children to learn to install their own filters, if I'm not able to keep mine in place?

Filters are what I refer to as a visual image to remind us that everything we think does not need to be said. I've been working with the older two kids with this mental image so they know they don't need to yell or say mean things. The image I used with Kate is the strainer we use to make her noodles. Imagine a pot of hot water and cooked noodles. We need to get out the noodles (the good stuff), so we pour it through a strainer (filter). All the hot water goes down the drain, while we are left with the noodles (Yummy!).

This is the image I must keep in mind today as my filters are weak when I have little sleep. No one needs me to have a sharp tongue. It helps no one.

>>>>Quote of the Day>>>>
"A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue." - Proverbs 11:12 NIV