Monday, February 21, 2005

Weaving Lives Together

One of the benefits of spending days with young children and running around to activities is that there is a lot of opportunity to roll ideas around, contemplate them, and organize my thoughts. A lot of pre-writing time happens then. Last week, I spent contemplating how to weave my lives together, how to meet my new goals/success measurements.

The master task list concept that Michael Hyatt posted a couple weeks ago is something I've always associated with the business world and is a technique I've used quite successfully. It finally dawned on me (DUH!) that I should incorporate the same technique to my new priorities and focuses. There is no reason why the priniciples that I use in the work world shouldn't be adapted and applied in the personal world. (So I'm a little dense...)

My other big insight for the week is that the only way I'm actually going to accomplish somethings is by taking them in small chunks and then continually work on them. (Coincidently my dear friend Lesley had a similar insight this week.)

Take my websites for instance - they aren't posted yet, because they aren't completed yet - at least to my vision of perfection. In reality, I just need to get them out there and then continue to refine and build upon them. After years of having to submit perfect and complete deliverables, publishing small pieces at a time is a new concept for me.

So, I start a new week drawing another line in the sand and moving forward. The goal is to weave my two lives (personal and professional) together, stay in alignment, and move toward my goals. I can do this.

Quote of the Day

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Catch them doing right

One of the things I'm truly enjoying these days is the ability to catch my children doing right. When they do something wonderful, considerate, friendly, I'm there to see it and comment on it.

My oldest son, Joshua (5), has the sweetest heart, but it is easily crushed and which then manifests anger. Over the last few weeks, he has been struggling with how to be considered a "big boy". We've discussed what that means in our family and in God's word - responsibility, consideration for others, helpfulness, etc. But what is the most effective is to catch him doing right and reinforcing his positive behavior.

But what this also has me asking myself is am I catching myself doing right? In this world I'm creating for myself, I see so many mistakes, so many areas to improve in, am I catching myself doing right? - something to consider.

Quotes of the Day

"Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up." -Romans 15:2 NIV

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." -Romans 14:19

Monday, February 14, 2005


Over the last ten years, my husband and I have shared many ups and downs. Sometimes its easier to remember the downs, but in the quiet moments of reflections, there are plenty of ups to remember too. Not to mention our beautiful children and interesting travels. But the one thing that I admire most about my husband is his perserverance. Through very difficult times, he has perserved with me. Happily Ever After isn't all hearts and flowers. Any married couple can tell you that. But sometimes the only quality that makes a marriage work is perserverance. This valentine's day - if it isn't going so well for you - or - isn't as perfect as you'd like it to be - recognize that the most successful people (and relationships) share one quality - Perserverance.

Quote of the Day

"Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that testing your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:2-4 NIV

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Side-lined by sick kids

For the last two days, I've been wholely focused on family needs. Sick children, choir practice and performance, more sick kids. My blogging thoughts are not organized enough to write - instead I'm being accountable to the priorities. Family before work.

If you'd like to see some of the things we've been up to check out this week's pictures on our homeschool blog.

Hope you and yours are well!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Reminder to Self: Aim for an Organized Morning

Our morning:

"Okay we all need to recognize that we are GRUMPY this morning, and find a way to not hurt each other. We have a lot to do and one hour to do it in."

"I'm very grumpy mom", chimes in Kate.

"Yes. And Josh is grumpy, Zachary is grumpy, and I'm grumpy. We just need to respect that and get our jobs done without fighting."

"Okay Mom"

And off they go to get ready to go to their activities.

I really need to take heed to the advice in today's quote.

Quote of the Day

"What can and must you do the night before so everyone isn't yelling at each other the next morning...? Know in your heart that everything you do in the night pays huge dividends the next morning."
-Elizabeth George in A Wife After God's Own Heart

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Taking time to bring Joy in

For the last five days, I've been focusing on joy. Late last week it occured to me that the bible mentions joy and rejoicing over and over again. People I admire and try to learn from take time to relax and have joy in their lives. Where was the joy in my life?

Don't get me wrong - I laugh and enjoy my children considerably, but for the last few years I've been caught up in the seriousness and compromise of my life. There was no - or limited - joy in my life, outside my children.

So, I've been contemplating - how can I bring JOY into my life?

Apparently, God is trying to get my attention in this area as well. All of last week I kept picking up a un-read Max Lucado book off my floor (my toddler keeps pulling books of the bookshelf). Finally, I decided to flip it open and read. The chapter I read was contemplating why Jesus would go to a wedding. Mr. Lucado's answer was daring for some - to enjoy himself. Jesus took time to enjoy himself, why shouldn't we? Excellent question.

Building on that thought, I started a class on intuition and logic on Sunday. I go in expecting the conversation to start in on intuition, but instead it begins on the need to have Joy and Wonder in our lives. Okay - I get it!

I need to add more JOY in my life. I need to give myself permission to shed the weight of the past and move forward with a clean slate, full of joy and wonder for this beautiful life we have. Stuff happens, but I don't need to let it weigh me down.
Quote of the Day

"Jesus took time for a party...shouldn't we?"
- Max Lucado in When God Whispers Your Name

Friday, February 04, 2005

Seeking Stillness

I've been struggling for the last few days with balance. The weight of unfinished projects and trying to figure out how God wants me to use my skills going forward has been heavy. As a corporate business technology writer, my work has been fed to me, at an overwhelming pace, for the last few years. Now freed of such an overwhelming workload, I'm faced with opportunity and the need to find the path that God wants me to go down. There are so many options, I'm not sure where I should focus.

For now, my plate is full with three projects that need completing. One of which is months past due - a problem that I despise. Usually I'd rather forgo all sleep than to miss a deadline. But as the client would say - I made other choices. I really must finish up these projects and find stillness. Somewhere in the stillness, I will hear His direction and find my path.

Quote of the Day
"Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight." -Psalm 119:32 NIV

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Learning from Others

I'm a big believer in learning from others. Whatever the topic,I tend to dive in, research and read everything I can find useful on the subject. Over the years, I've literally read dozens, if not hundreds, of books and articles on writing, parenting, communication, and leadership. Whatever I felt I needed to improve in, I find something read on it. Periodically, I'm blessed to work with or meet individuals that I can learn from by watching, observing, and listening.

The wonderful thing about this world of blogging is that it is yet another source of material to learn from - how else would I ever get insights like this from an editor, or advice from the CEO of a publishing house (and best-selling author), or learn more of the writing life from those who have gone before me.

The same goes for those women who are balancing this act of writing with life as a wife, mother, and keeper of the home. Thanks to the internet, I'm learning from Hope, Beth, Angela, and Lori.

It constantly amazes me how generous people are with their time and insights. Through these resources and the many other sources I read, I can improve and grow. I hope I never stop growing, there is so much to learn.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Keeping Focused

This week I have three work projects on my plate, with deadlines looming. But in trying to maintain a balanced life, I am need to not get stressed over it. I know everything always works out. And I know if I stay focused on His will and His priorities, I will accomplish what it is on my plate to accomplish - in the perfect timing. This is what I must focus on.

Quote of the Day
"If any of you lacks wisedom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him."
- James 1:5 NIV

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Creating a Haven - One Step at a Time

The concept that a home can be inviting, comfortable, a place where stress and worries melt away when you walk in the door, first hit me a few years ago. I went over to a co-workers house and instantly felt everything melt away. She turned her home into a haven.

It was such a shock to walk back into the stark contrast of my own home that day. Over the years, whenever I’m in a home that felt inviting and pretty, I’ve tried to figure out what touches make the difference – it’s not the furniture or the beautiful things, but instead the small personal touches (and lack of clutter).

Recently I read a article by Beth Dargis on how to make your bedroom a haven. What a thought! My bedroom is stacked with boxes to be sorted. Oh but the idea!

So I’ve set out once again to create pretty spaces, to make our home more inviting and comfortable for others to visit and for my husband to come home to. I may not be able to control how the others in my household adhere to attempts to organize and de-clutter, but I can at least create pockets of pretty spaces. After all a journey is not made in leaps, but one step at a time.

>>>>Quotes of the Day>>>>

“The wise woman builds her house but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” – Proverbs 14:1 NIV

“In the stillness we can bring out that which we think we are too busy to experience.” – Kathy Srabian, intuitive consultant