The Balancing Act
Part of balance is finding a way to integrate what I enjoy from my old life with what I enjoy and want to pursue in my new life.
Part of being emotionally healthy is not to sacrifice any one of the various aspects of my personality, interests, and beliefs. That is what caused the problem in the first place - I swung so far into my job and work and sacrificed so much of what I wanted for my family and personal life.
As I look at my success principles - the ones I figured out last week - I realize that I must make progress against the whole, not just one or two.
Break things into chunks, create a map, a path, of how to create success in these areas, but be sure to include each of the areas. Because if I swing too far into one, the others will suffer. Success in a balanced life will only come if I consider all the aspects.
>>>Quote of the Day>>>>
"'Sharpen the Saw' is preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have - you. It's renewing the four dimensions of your nature -- physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional."
- Stephen Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People